Package Quality Control of Nutritional Supplement

Nutritional supplements have been popular since the invention of vitamin pills. Every day there is a new supplement, root, plant, and molecule promising break through benefits. Fortunately, nutritional supplements have their benefits and when coupled with a heathy lifestyle, nutritional supplements have the power to improve our lives enormously.

When manufacturing and packaging supplements, it is vital that the manufacturer properly seals the product. A good seal will extend the shelf life of the product while protecting the consumer.

The simplest package quality test that can be performed on heat sealed nutritional supplements is the dry vacuum test. The dry vacuum test will confirm two things. First, the test will confirm that the heat sealed items can be transported by air and at higher altitudes. Second, the test will confirm quality heat seal integrity of the batch.

All that is needed is a Transparent Vacuum Chamber, connection hardware, and a vacuum pump. We offer vacuum chamber with pump systems tailored specifically to your project needs. Contact Us to find out how we will help you immensely.

Did you know that we carry a many more products?

Our clients prefer to work with us because we are Experts in Vacuum Science and Technology. Check out some of our other items we carry that you can combine/integrate with your systems or projects.

Acrylic Pressure and Vacuum Chambers
Acrylic Pressure and Vacuum Chambers are Pressure chambers that are capable of vacuum ratings that are the same vacuum rating of acrylic vacuum chambers. Keep in mind that Acrylic Pressure and Vacuum Chambers have a pressure limit of 15PSIG
Vacuum Controller Instruments
Vacuum Controller Instruments are devices that measure and control for vacuum inside a vacuum chamber. A vacuum controller consists of a vacuum gauge, control system, and an Human Machine Interface; options include vacuum pump relays and Vacuum valves. A vacuum Controller will enable you to store products at a specified vacuum level or run a vacuum vs. time profile.
Our Work: Pressure and Vacuum Chamber used for Calibration of Weather Stations across the US
Have you ever wondered how the weather forecast works? You must admit; the weathermen (or weatherwoman) have become a whole lot more accurate over time. 10 years ago, the weather forecast was not as accurate as it is today. Part of the reason is that we have better forecasting technology as in more powerful computers who crunch numbers faster to out a most likely scenario. Another reason is that mathematics, physics, and science has progressed. The main reason however, is that we have better tools and equipment.
Related Articles: High Altitude Package Testing utilizing an Acrylic Vac Chamber
An Acrylic Vacuum Chamber can be used to simulate elevation very reliably to altitudes up to 60.9 km or 200,000 feet. This provides several advantages over other testing methods as acrylic is transparent and enables full view of interior during testing. In this article, we will give you a through guide on what can be done to eliminate the risk of packaging damage during shipments at high altitudes.