Recommended Package Closure Integrity and Quality Testing Methods

Are you unsure how to test for seal integrity of your package closures? How do you know you have a good product? Would you like to know how to test your package for closure and seal quality?

If you answered yes to one of these questions, you are on the right track. We have some resources to guide you on how to test your products for seal failures. Click on the links below to learn more about how to package test for the following:

How to Test Seal Integrity of:

Food Bars
This article will talk about how to test the seal integrity of food bars. You will understand what you will need to do in order to ensure good seal quality. This article covers the seal integrity testing of Breakfast bars, Chocolate candy bars, Crisped rice bars, Energy bars, Granola bars, Health bars, Protein bars, Fruit and Nut Bars, Meal Replacement Bars or any other food bar sealed with a flow wrapper.
Vacuum Sealed Packages
If you are vacuum sealing your packages, you are faced with a challenge when it comes to seal testing. How do you know that your process is consistently creating a good seal? How can you be sure that the vacuum inside you package will hold for the required amount of time?
Sachets Filled with Powder or Liquid
In this article, we will talk about how a vacuum chamber can be utilized as a tool to perform leak quality testing on Sachets filled with either powder or liquid. You can use an acrylic vacuum chamber or bubble leak test system to test for leaks in sachets filled with powder or liquid.
Spray Bottle Pump Leak Testing
In this article we will talk about several techniques used to quality leak test the pump of a spray bottle.
Quality Control of Seals and Seams of Canned Food or Food Containers
Food cans which are hermetically sealed or seamed are the most consumed type of food in the United States. Fully 60% of all food consumed in a given day in the US is either canned food or food from containers. Canned food seal failure can expose the consumer to an unnecessary amount of risk.

We have many more resources on our website that you should check out

We make Robustly Designed and Quality Engineered Systems. You should check out some of our other items we carry; click on the links below.

Vacuum Chamber and Pump Systems
Our Vacuum Chamber and pump systems are fully setup and ready to go. What you get is a vacuum chamber, a vacuum pump, and connection hardware. We carry acrylic or metallic vacuum chambers and a whole range of vacuum pumps from Rotary Vane, Piston, or Venturi. What type of vacuum chamber and pump system you want depends on your project requirement, budget, and other specifications.
BNC Vacuum Feedthroughs
Coaxial Vacuum Feedthroughs are vacuum rated BNC connectors that enable you to run BNC from outside of vacuum chamber towards inside of the vacuum chamber without disturbing the vacuum. Triaxial Vacuum Feedthroughs, just like coax vacuum feedthroughs, will enable you to run Triax Connections from outside towards the inside of the vacuum chamber without disturbing the vacuum levels inside the vacuum chamber.
Our Work: Pressure and Vacuum Chamber used for Calibration of Weather Stations across the US
Have you ever wondered how the weather forecast works? You must admit; the weathermen (or weatherwoman) have become a whole lot more accurate over time. 10 years ago, the weather forecast was not as accurate as it is today. Part of the reason is that we have better forecasting technology as in more powerful computers who crunch numbers faster to out a most likely scenario. Another reason is that mathematics, physics, and science has progressed. The main reason however, is that we have better tools and equipment.
Related Articles: Force Decay Leak Testing
Force Decay Leak Testing is a very popular quantitative leak testing method used to quality test package and product integrity due to its ability to detect small leaks which cannot be seen through visual inspection. In this method, the test specimen is internally inflated by either internal pressurization or vacuum force. The inflated test specimen will, in turn, apply a force on a pressure transducer. Finally, the change in force applied by the inflated specimen over a specified time is observed.